• Kay Bing - Office Manager

  • Tammy Ferguson - Clerk

Phone: 870-438-5518 or 870-438-6027

Fax: 870-438-6855

How You Can Pay Your Water Bill

How You Can Pay Your Water Bill

  • ​You can always Pay By Mail

  • ​Pay At The Water Department Office:

  • Write your name on an envelope

  • Place your payment and a copy of your water bill in the envelope. ( No change will be given)

  • Drop the envelope into the Fire Hydrant Drop Box located in front of the Water Department​

Pay Online

Identification code for paying online is 7263811​​

Or call toll free 1-855-483-5729

  • ​Pay By Calling the Water Department:

    • Call 870-438-5518 or 870-438-6027

Payment by phone can be made with debit or credit cards only